Private Course
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Responsible Narodom.guy
Last Update 06/06/2024
Completion Time 16 minutes
Members 2
Python OOP
  • 4Lessons ·
    • 1. Introduction.mp4
    • 2. Python Idle Installation.mp4
    • 3. Online Jupyter Notebook.mp4
    • 4. Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook installation.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 1. Variables VS Operators.mp4
    • 2. Types of Operators in Python.mp4
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 1. Understanding Numbers.mp4
    • 2. Understanding Booleans.mp4
    • 3. Understanding Strings.mp4
    • 4. Understanding Python Data Structure Part 1.mp4
    • 5. Understanding Python Data Structure Part 2.mp4
    • 6. Data Types in Python Recap.mp4
  • 20Lessons · 16 min
    • 1. String.format().mp4
    • 4. String .len().mp4
    • 7. String.count().mp4
    • 12. String .startswith() & .endswith().mp4
    • 15. String.find().mp4
    • 18. String islower, isupper, lower & upper functions in Python.mp4
    • 21. String .replace() & .strip() function in Python..mp4
    • 24. string.captalize( ) and string.title( ).mp4
    • 27. String input().mp4
    • 30. Lists.mp4
    • 33. Tuples.mp4
    • 36. Sets.mp4
    • 37. Sets Operatios.mp4
    • 40. Dictionaries.mp4
    • 43. Python Data Structures Comparison.mp4
    • 46. Decision Making IF Statement.mp4
    • 49. For Loop.mp4
    • 52. While Loop.mp4
    • 55. Try & Except.mp4
    • 59. what Python Function is .mp4