Responsible CreativeDEV
Last Update 31/05/2024
Completion Time 4 hours 2 minutes
Members 2
BI Dashboard WinForms WPF MVC
    • Getting Started with Dashboards
    • BI Dashboard: Working with a Google Spreadsheet
    • Dashboards: Client-Side Web Designer / Viewer
    • ASP.NET MVC Dashboard: Creating a Designer and a Viewer
  • 11Lessons · 53 min
    • Dashboards: Creating a Web Designer & Viewer
    • Dashboards: Binding Parameters
    • Dashboards: Filters and Groups
    • DevExpress Dashboards - Binding To a SQL Database
    • Dashboards: Treemap Item
    • Dashboards - Range Filters
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Calculated Fields
    • Dashboards: Data Extracts
    • Dashboard: Parameters
    • Dashboard: Titles
    • Dashboard Window Calculations
  • 26Lessons · 1 hr 58 min
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Predefined Ranges for the Range Filter
    • DevExpress Dashboards - Text Box Data
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Binding Images
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Printing & Exporting
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Binding to CSV files
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Using the Scatter Chart
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Binding to Excel Data Sources
    • DevExpress Dashboards - Conditional Formatting - Data Bars
    • DevExpress Dashboards: GeoPoint Maps
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Choropleth Maps
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Using Gauges
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Using Cards
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Using Pies
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Using The Grid
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Working With Charts
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Using the Pivot Grid
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Visual Studio IDE Integration
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Creating a Dashboard
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Binding To OLAP Cubes
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Binding To an Entity Framework Data
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Binding To Objects
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Conditional Formatting
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Coloring
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Master Filtering and Drill Down
    • DevExpress Dashboard Elements
    • DevExpress Dashboards: Embedding for WinForms