Building Gen AI App 12+ Hands-on Projects with Gemini Pro

Building Gen AI App 12+ Hands-on Projects with Gemini Pro

Udemy - Building Gen AI App 12+ Hands-on Projects with Gemini Pro 2024-5

Responsible Narodom.guy
Last Update 05/06/2024
Completion Time 3 hours 21 minutes
Members 3
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 1. Welcome to the Course.mp4
  • 4Lessons · 41 min
    • 1. What is Generative AI.mp4
    • 2. Introduction To Google Gemini Models And Its Variants.mp4
    • 3. Creating Free API Keys For Google Gemini Models.mp4
    • 4. Exploring All Google Gemini Models Variants With Practical Demo.mp4
  • 10Lessons · 2 hr 18 min
    • 1. Building End to End LLM and Large image model application using Gemini pro.mp4
    • 2. Step by Step Tutorial to Create Conversational Q&A Chatbot using Gemini Pro.mp4
    • 3. End to End Multi Language Invoice Extractor Project using Gemini Pro LLM Model.mp4
    • 4. Chat With multiple Pdf Documents with Langchain and Google Gemini Pro.mp4
    • 5. End To End Document Q&A Using Google Gemma,Groq API.mp4
    • 6. End to End Text to SQL LLM App along with Quering SQL database using Gemini Pro.mp4
    • 7. End To End Resume Application Tracking System(ATS) Using Google Gemini Pro Visio.mp4
    • 8. Modified End To End Resume ATS Tracking LLM Project With Google Gemini Pro.mp4
    • 9. End to End Nutritionist Generative AI Doctor Using Google Gemini Pro Vision.mp4
    • 10. End To End Youtube Video Transcribe Summarizer LLM App With Google Gemini Pro.mp4
  • 3Lessons · 22 min
    • 1. What is Quantization-Theoretical Intuition.mp4
    • 2. LORA And QLORA Indepth Intuition.mp4
    • 3. Finetuning With Custom Data Using Google Gemma Models.mp4