Dive into the world of deep learning 2024  C++,GPT and more

Dive into the world of deep learning 2024 C++,GPT and more

Udemy - Dive into the world of deep learning 2024  C++,GPT and more 2024-2

Responsible Narodom.guy
Last Update 11/06/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 59 minutes
Members 1
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 1. Introduction.mp4
    • 2. Why AI Booming Right Now .mp4
    • 3. Course Outline.mp4
    • 4. How A.I Actually Learns .mp4
    • 5. Supervised vs Unsupervised learning.mp4
    • 6. Famous Libraries in AI Field.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 1. Lecture 1.mp4
    • 2. Lecture 2.mp4
    • 3. Lecture 3.mp4
    • 4. Lecture 4.mp4
    • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yb_HlxxFYslgXHYoXmCtysqFvfdtQblQ/view?usp=drive_link
  • 10Lessons · 1 hr 36 min
    • 2. Python 1.mp4
    • 3. Python 2.mp4
    • 4. Python 3.mp4
    • 5. Python 4.mp4
    • 6. Python 5.mp4
    • 7. Python 6.mp4
    • 8. Python 7.mp4
    • 9. Python 8.mp4
    • 10. Python 9.mp4
    • 11. Python 10.mp4
  • 8Lessons ·
    • 2. Introduction.mp4
    • 3. Python List Vs NUMPY.mp4
    • 4. Numpy Lecture 1.mp4
    • 5. Numpy Lecture 2.mp4
    • 6. Numpy Lecture 3.mp4
    • 7. Numpy Lecture 4.mp4
    • 8. Numpy Lecture 5.mp4
    • 9. Numpy Lecture 6.mp4
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 2. Pandas Introduction.mp4
    • 3. Pandas Lecture 1.mp4
    • 4. Pandas Lecture 2.mp4
    • 5. Pandas Lecture 3.mp4
    • 6. Pandas Lecture 4.mp4
    • 7. Pandas Lecture 5.mp4
  • 13Lessons ·
    • 2. Introduction.mp4
    • 3. Pytorch 1.mp4
    • 4. Pytorch 2.mp4
    • 5. Pytorch 3.mp4
    • 6. Pytorch 4.mp4
    • 7. Pytorch 5.mp4
    • 8. Pytorch 6.mp4
    • 9. Pytorch 7.mp4
    • 10. Pytorch 8.mp4
    • 11. Backpropgation Part 1.mp4
    • 12. Backpropagation Part 2.mp4
    • 13. Torch Autograd Part 1.mp4
    • 14. Torch Autograd Part 2.mp4
  • 13Lessons ·
    • 2. Introduction.mp4
    • 3. Lecture 1.mp4
    • 4. Lecture 2.mp4
    • 5. Lecture 3.mp4
    • 6. Lecture 4.mp4
    • 7. Lecture 5.mp4
    • 8. Lecture 6.mp4
    • 9. Lecture 7.mp4
    • 10. Lecture 8.mp4
    • 11. Lecture 9.mp4
    • 12. Lecture 10.mp4
    • 13. Lecture 11.mp4
    • 14. Predictions !!.mp4
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 2. What is Activation Functions .mp4
    • 3. Sigmoid Activation Function.mp4
    • 4. TanH.mp4
    • 5. ReLU Activation.mp4
    • 6. LeakyReLU Activation.mp4
    • 7. Softmax Activation.mp4
  • 4Lessons · 23 min
    • 2. Introduction.mp4
    • 3. Mean Squared Error.mp4
    • 4. Mean Absolute Error.mp4
    • 5. Cross Entropy Loss.mp4
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 1. Introduction.mp4
    • 2. Little Code Practical.mp4
    • 3. How CNN Works.mp4
    • 4. Pooling.mp4
    • 5. Padding.mp4
    • 6. Use Cases of CNN.mp4
  • 13Lessons ·
    • 2. Project Overview.mp4
    • 3. Datasets Overview.mp4
    • 4. Dataset Development Part 1.mp4
    • 5. Dataset Development Part 2.mp4
    • 6. Model Overview.mp4
    • 7. Model Development 1.mp4
    • 8. Model Development 2.mp4
    • 9. Model Development 3.mp4
    • 10. Model Development 4.mp4
    • 11. Model Development 5.mp4
    • 12. Model Development 6.mp4
    • 13. Model Development 7.mp4
    • 15. Model Development 9.mp4
  • 4Lessons ·
    • 2. What is Pretrained Models .mp4
    • 3. Some Famous CNN Models.mp4
    • 4. What is Transfer Learning.mp4
    • 5. Transfer Learning Implementation.mp4
  • 8Lessons ·
    • 2. Introduction.mp4
    • 3. L1 and L2 Norm.mp4
    • 4. L1 and L2 Norm Graph.mp4
    • 5. L1 and L2 Implementation.mp4
    • 6. Dropout Intro.mp4
    • 7. Dropout implementation.mp4
    • 8. Early Stopping (A Free Lunch).mp4
    • 9. Early Stopping implementation.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 2. Batch Normalisation.mp4
    • 3. Learning Rate Scheduler.mp4
    • 4. Gradient Cliping.mp4
    • 6. Torch AMP Part 2.mp4
    • 7. YAML and INI File Setup.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 1. Introduction.mp4
    • 2. Maths Behind RNN.mp4
    • 3. Types of RNN.mp4
    • 4. RNN Vanishing Gradient Problem.mp4
    • 5. LSTM.mp4
  • 11Lessons ·
    • 2. Lecture 1.mp4
    • 3. Lecture 2.mp4
    • 4. Lecture 3.mp4
    • 5. Lecture 4.mp4
    • 6. Lecture 5.mp4
    • 7. Lecture 6.mp4
    • 8. Lecture 7.mp4
    • 9. Lecture 8.mp4
    • 10. Lecture 9.mp4
    • 11. Lecture 10.mp4
    • 12. Lecture 11 Predictions !!.mp4
  • 23Lessons ·
    • 2. Introduction.mp4
    • 3. Pytorch vs Pytorch Lightning.mp4
    • 4. Lecture 1.mp4
    • 5. Lecture 2.mp4
    • 6. Lecture 3.mp4
    • 7. Lecture 4.mp4
    • 8. Lecture 5.mp4
    • 9. Lecture 6.mp4
    • 10. Lecture 7.mp4
    • 11. Lecture 8.mp4
    • 12. Lecture 9.mp4
    • 13. Lecture 10.mp4
    • 14. Lecture 11.mp4
    • 15. Lecture 12.mp4
    • 16. Lecture 13.mp4
    • 17. Lecture 14.mp4
    • 18. Lecture 15.mp4
    • 19. Lecture 16.mp4
    • 20. Lecture 17.mp4
    • 21. Lecture 18.mp4
    • 21. Lecture 18.mp4
    • 22. Lecture 19.mp4
    • 23. Lecture 20.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 1. Introduction.mp4
    • 2. How Generative A.I Works .mp4
    • 3. Generative Adversarial Network.mp4
    • 4. What is AutoEncoders .mp4
    • 5. Limitations of AutoEncoders.mp4
  • 14Lessons ·
    • 2. Architecture of VAE.mp4
    • 3. What is Normal Distribution .mp4
    • 4. Lecture 1.mp4
    • 5. Lecture 2.mp4
    • 6. Lecture 3.mp4
    • 7. Lecture 4.mp4
    • 8. Lecture 5.mp4
    • 9. Lecture 6.mp4
    • 10. Lecture 7.mp4
    • 11. Lecture 8.mp4
    • 12. Lecture 9.mp4
    • 13. Lecture 10.mp4
    • 15. Manipulate Faces Part 1.mp4
    • 16. Manipulate Faces Part 2.mp4
  • 4Lessons ·
    • 2. Introduction.mp4
    • 3. Model Saving & Loading Part 1.mp4
    • 4. Model Saving & Loading Part 2.mp4
    • 5. Torch JIT.mp4
  • 8Lessons ·
    • 2. Introduction.mp4
    • 3. C++ Basics 1.mp4
    • 4. C++ Basics 2.mp4
    • 5. Libtorch Installation.mp4
    • 6. Libtorch Basics.mp4
    • 7. Creating Neural Network with Libtorch C++.mp4
    • 8. Exporting Python AI Neural network model to C++.mp4
    • 9. Libtorch Outro.mp4
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 1. MLOPS Lecture 1.mp4
    • 2. MLOPS Lecture 2.mp4
    • 3. MLOPS Lecture 3.mp4
    • 4. MLOPS Lecture 4.mp4
    • 5. MLOPS Lecture 5.mp4
    • 6. MLOPS Lecture 6.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 1. GPT 1.mp4
    • 2. GPT 4.mp4
    • 3. GPT 2.mp4
    • 4. GPT 3.mp4
    • 5. GPT 5.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 1. Future Career Options.mp4
    • 2. Outro.mp4