Mastering Odoo Development - Technical Fundamentals | Odoo

Mastering Odoo Development - Technical Fundamentals | Odoo

Udemy - Mastering Odoo Development - Technical Fundamentals 2021-6

Responsible Narodom.guy
Last Update 08/06/2024
Completion Time 2 hours 8 minutes
Members 1
Odoo development Technical
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 1 - Introduction.mp4
  • 6Lessons · 18 min
    • 2 - NEW Setup WSL & Install Ubuntu 2004.mp4
    • 3 - Downloading VMware virtual environment and Ubuntu 1404 Desktop.mp4
    • 4 - Install Ubuntu 1404.mp4
    • 5 - Finish updating Ubuntu and installing Postgres Server.mp4
    • 6 - Installing Odoo Dependencies.mp4
    • 7 - Downloading the Odoo 9 source code and starting the Odoo Server.mp4
  • 11Lessons · 15 min
    • 8 - Introducing our development example and creating our development database.mp4
    • 9 - Understanding Odoo models using the Odoo Debug Mode.mp4
    • 10 - Learning more about Odoo models.mp4
    • 11 - Backup and Restore your Odoo Database.mp4
    • 12 - Understanding models in Odoo.mp4
    • 13 - Understanding and modifying Odoo Views in Debug Mode.mp4
    • 14 - Add custom fields to tree views and learn to position fields in views.mp4
    • 15 - Learn about Odoo actions and how they work with models and views.mp4
    • 16 - Learn how Odoo menus actions and views fit together.mp4
    • 17 - Learn how to customize Odoo search views.mp4
    • 18 - Create a custom menu and action in Odoo.mp4
  • 6Lessons · 40 min
    • 19 - Learn the fundamentals for creating an Odoo application in 10 minutes.mp4
    • 20 - Installing your custom Odoo Application.mp4
    • 21 - Adding a custom field to your Odoo application.mp4
    • 22 - Create a custom view to display your new field.mp4
    • 23 - Exercise Add new fields to your Odoo model and Tree view.mp4
    • 24 - Add a customized form view to your Odoo application.mp4
  • 6Lessons · 8 min
    • 25 - Getting Started with Python Development.mp4
    • 26 - Learn to Import Libraries and Create Basic Loops.mp4
    • 27 - Creating and Looping through Lists in Python.mp4
    • 28 - Exercise Create your own list of Toys in Python and Print them.mp4
    • 29 - Understanding the Basics of Python Dictionaries.mp4
    • 30 - Creating Custom Methods to Organize your Python Code.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 31 - Installing Eclipse to Improve your Odoo Development Environment.mp4
    • 32 - Looking at the Odoo source code and Understanding the Odoo Framework.mp4
    • 33 - Adding a Custom Menu and Action to your Odoo Application.mp4
    • 34 - Learn to use Domain to Filter Records in Odoo Actions.mp4
    • 35 - Improve the Application Design using the Odoo Framework.mp4
  • 8Lessons ·
    • 36 - Adding a New Model to your Odoo Application.mp4
    • 37 - Add a Menu and an Action to your New Odoo Model.mp4
    • 38 - Learn to use Related Models and Many2One Fields.mp4
    • 39 - Create a Custom Form for your New Models.mp4
    • 40 - Using a Notebook and Page to Display your Related Model.mp4
    • 41 - Learn How to Create Computed and Functional Fields.mp4
    • 42 - Exercise Modify Compute Field and Create a Tree View.mp4
    • 43 - Improving your Tree View and Putting a Total in a Column.mp4
  • 7Lessons · 6 min
    • 44 - Creating Two New Related Models in Your Application.mp4
    • 45 - Exercise.mp4
    • 46 - Using View Inheritance to Add a Page to the Product Notebook.mp4
    • 47 - Using irmodelaccesscsv to Configure Model Security.mp4
    • 48 - Adding a Related Field To Your Model.mp4
    • 49 - Creating a Computed Field with More Complex Calculations.mp4
    • 50 - Learn to use the OnChange Decorator to Create Dynamic Applications.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 51 - Creating the Basic Template and Print Menu for your Custom Report.mp4
    • 52 - Updating Wkhtmltopdf to Eliminate Odoo Report Warning.mp4
    • 53 - Learn to Report Data from Related Models in Odoo Reports.mp4
  • 7Lessons · 41 min
    • 54 - Learn to Connect to the Odoo API.mp4
    • 55 - Authenticating to the API and using searchcount.mp4
    • 56 - Learn How to Filter Data using the Odoo API.mp4
    • 57 - Importing Data from a CSV File into Odoo.mp4
    • 58 - Improve your Import Routine to Prevent Duplicate Records.mp4
    • 59 - Search for Records using the Odoo API.mp4
    • 60 - Exercise.mp4