Odoo 17 Technical Course  | Odoo

Odoo 17 Technical Course | Odoo

Udemy – Odoo 17 Technical Course 2024-2

Responsible Narodom.guy
Last Update 05/06/2024
Completion Time 26 minutes
Members 2
  • 22Lessons · 20 min
    • 1 - Intro.mp4
    • 2 - Install odoo 17 community edition ce.mp4
    • 3 - Setup database install first module.mp4
    • 4 - Understanding how odoo technical works.mp4
    • 5 - Odoo Existing Source Code.mp4
    • 6 - Add directory for custom addons setup addonspath in odooconf.mp4
    • 7 - Activate Developer Mode.mp4
    • 8 - Create custom module Manifest.mp4
    • 9 - Create custom module Models.mp4
    • 10 - Create custom module Model Permission and Menu.mp4
    • 11 - Create custom module List View.mp4
    • 12 - Create custom module Form.mp4
    • 13 - Create custom module Search.mp4
    • 14 - Create custom module Filter.mp4
    • 15 - SQL and Odoo Constraints.mp4
    • 16 - Computed fields and onchange.mp4
    • 17 - Action buttons.mp4
    • 18 - Overriding odoo existing methods.mp4
    • 19 - Setup initial data data seeding.mp4
    • 20 - Schedulers.mp4
    • 21 - Sending email.mp4
    • 22 - Install custom module and install python package for odoo.mp4
  • 4Lessons · 6 min
    • 23 - Many2One to existing table.mp4
    • 24 - Many2One to new table.mp4
    • 25 - One2Many.mp4
    • 26 - Many2Many.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 27 - Odoo Scaffold.mp4
    • 28 - Customizing existing model.mp4
    • 29 - Customize existing view.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 30 - Create our own output pdf.mp4
    • 31 - Customize existing output pdf qweb.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 32 - Permission setup via GUI.mp4
    • 33 - Permission setup via CSV File.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 34 - Serve API.mp4
    • 35 - Serve API by using custom module from odoo apps.mp4
    • 36 - Integrating to other applications external APIs.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 37 - Submit App.mp4