Responsible CreativeDEV
Last Update 13/06/2024
Completion Time 7 hours 58 minutes
Members 2
Odoo Technical
  • 1Lessons · 1 min
    • 1. Introduction.mp4
  • 8Lessons · 58 min
    • 1. Overview of Odoo Framework, Architecture and Module Composition.mp4
    • 2. Choosing the Right Odoo Setup Option.mp4
    • 3. Installing Odoo Server and Dependencies.mp4
    • 4. Create and Setup a Database.mp4
    • 5. Understanding Odoo Actions and Menus.mp4
    • 6. Make Development Easy with PyCharm.mp4
    • 7. Understanding Odoo Manifest.mp4
    • 8. Odoo Configuration File and Command-line interface (CLI).mp4
  • 6Lessons · 14 min
    • 1. Understanding your Business Workflow or Requirements.mp4
    • 2. Creating our Module Structure.mp4
    • 3. Adding our First Model and Basic Fields.mp4
    • 4. Security - A Brief Introduction.mp4
    • 5. Basic UI to Play With Working with Actions and Menus.mp4
    • 6. Basic Views Form View & Tree View.mp4
  • 12Lessons · 2 hr 59 min
    • 1. Relationships between Models Creating a Many2one Field.mp4
    • 2. Relationships between Models Creating a Many2many Field.mp4
    • 3. Relationships between Models Creating a One2many Field.mp4
    • 4. Adding More to the Form View Notebook and Pages.mp4
    • 5. Understanding Computed Fields and Onchange ORM Decorator.mp4
    • 6. Working with Data Files and Demo Files.mp4
    • 7. Creating Related Fields and Applying Domains.mp4
    • 8. Understanding Method Decorators and their Usage.mp4
    • 9. Understanding ORM Methods Create, Write, Delete and Other Methods.mp4
    • 10. Actions and Buttons Working with States and Smart Buttons.mp4
    • 11. Adding Sprinkles to our Logic and View Notebook, Page, Attrs and More.mp4
    • 12. Understanding Wizards and Generic Models TransientModel and AbstractModel.mp4
  • 6Lessons · 50 min
    • 1. Adding Search View to our Module Filters And Groups.mp4
    • 2. Working with Kanban View in our Module.mp4
    • 3. Adding Pivot View to our Module.mp4
    • 4. Working with Gantt and Graph View.mp4
    • 5. Adding Calendar View to our Module.mp4
    • 6. [EXTRA] Understanding Attrs, Sequence and Widgets Available in Odoo.mp4
  • 4Lessons · 39 min
    • 1. Deeper Understanding of Security Groups, Access Rights and Record Rules.mp4
    • 2. Adding Groups to our Property Model.mp4
    • 3. Getting Advanced with Access Rights.mp4
    • 4. Getting Advanced with Record Rules.mp4
  • 6Lessons · 46 min
    • 1. Introduction to Odoo Actions.mp4
    • 2. Working with Client Actions.mp4
    • 3. Working with Server Actions.mp4
    • 4. Adding Scheduled Actions to our Module.mp4
    • 5. Working with URL Actions.mp4
    • 6. QWeb Report Creating Report Actions and PDF Report for our Module.mp4
  • 1Lessons · 5 min
    • 1. Adding Translation to our Module (i18n and .po files).mp4
  • 2Lessons · 14 min
    • 1. Messaging Mixins Message Integration, Mail Alias and Activities Tracking.mp4
    • 2. Website Mixins Visitor Tracking, Website Visibility and Website Metadata.mp4
  • 2Lessons · 4 min
    • 1. Understanding Emails, Messages and Setting Up Outgoing Mail Server.mp4
    • 2. Creating our First Email Template.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 1. Extending Logic Python Inheritance and Model Inheritance.mp4
    • 2. Working with View Inheritance.mp4
  • 4Lessons · 54 min
    • 1. XML-RPC Auth Connection and Calling Methods.mp4
    • 2. Implementing JSON-RPC in our Module.mp4
    • 3. Understanding Web Controllers and API.mp4
    • 4. [EXTRA] Building an In-App Purchase Service.mp4
  • 1Lessons · 11 min
    • 1. QWeb Templates Basic Synax and Usage.mp4
  • 3Lessons · 3 min
    • 1. Cloud Hosting for Custom Deployment & Server Management.mp4
    • 2. Digital Ocean Cloud Hosting for Custom Deployment.mp4
    • 3. [EXTRA] How To Upload Modules To Odoo Apps Store.mp4