XML Essential Training

XML Essential Training

LinkedIn - XML Essential Training 2024-5

Responsible Narodom.guy
Last Update 04/06/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 31 minutes
Members 1
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 01 - XML Structured data in a chaotic world.mp4
    • 02 - How this course is organized and what you should know.mp4
    • 03 - Getting set up.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 01 - What is XML.mp4
    • 02 - Review of various XML technologies.mp4
    • 03 - Describing data with XML.mp4
    • 04 - XML advantages and drawbacks.mp4
    • 05 - Real-world examples of XML.mp4
  • 4Lessons ·
    • 01 - XML content types.mp4
    • 02 - Proper XML syntax.mp4
    • 03 - Valid XML documents.mp4
    • 04 - The XML namespace.mp4
  • 3Lessons · 13 min
    • 01 - Creating an XML file.mp4
    • 02 - Example Styling XML content with CSS.mp4
    • 03 - Advanced styling.mp4
  • 7Lessons ·
    • 01 - A quick introduction to the document object model.mp4
    • 02 - Inspecting document content.mp4
    • 03 - Creating document content.mp4
    • 04 - Loading XML from an external source.mp4
    • 05 - Building content from XML.mp4
    • 06 - Challenge BusinessCard XML to HTML.mp4
    • 07 - Solution BusinessCard XML to HTML.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 01 - XML vs. JSON and CSV.mp4
    • 02 - XML to JSON.mp4
    • 03 - Tools for working with XML.mp4
  • 5Lessons · 31 min
    • 01 - What is XPath.mp4
    • 02 - Experimenting with XPath.mp4
    • 03 - XPath in JavaScript.mp4
    • 04 - Challenge BusinessCard XPath.mp4
    • 05 - Solution BusinessCard XPath.mp4
  • 9Lessons · 24 min
    • 01 - What is XSLT.mp4
    • 02 - Defining XSLT style sheets.mp4
    • 03 - Simple XSLT.mp4
    • 04 - Repeating items.mp4
    • 05 - Conditional logic.mp4
    • 06 - Sorting data.mp4
    • 07 - XSLT in the browser.mp4
    • 08 - Challenge BusinessCard XSLT.mp4
    • 09 - Solution BusinessCard XSLT.mp4
  • 6Lessons · 23 min
    • 01 - What is a DTD.mp4
    • 02 - Using DTDs.mp4
    • 03 - Declaring elements.mp4
    • 04 - Declaring attributes.mp4
    • 05 - Challenge Building a DTD for BusinessCard.mp4
    • 06 - Solution Building a DTD for BusinessCard.mp4
  • 9Lessons ·
    • 01 - What is XML Schema.mp4
    • 02 - Anatomy of a schema.mp4
    • 03 - Declaring simple elements.mp4
    • 04 - Example Simple elements.mp4
    • 05 - Declaring complex elements.mp4
    • 06 - Declaring attributes.mp4
    • 07 - Example Complex elements.mp4
    • 08 - Challenge Build a schema for BusinessCard.mp4
    • 09 - Solution Build a schema for BusinessCard.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 01 - Next steps.mp4