Complete Python Image Processing Masterclass

Complete Python Image Processing Masterclass

Udemy - Complete Python Image Processing Masterclass 2022-6

รับผิดชอบ Narodom Guy
อัปเดตครั้งล่าสุด 17/06/2024
เวลาเสร็จสิ้น 19 นาที
สมาชิก 1
  • 7Lessons · 4 นาที
    • 1 - Objectives Prerequisites and Audience.mp4
    • 2 - Course Content Walkthrough.mp4
    • 3 - The Scientific Python Ecosystem.mp4
    • 4 - What is Image Processing.mp4
    • 5 - Please do leave your feedback for the course.mp4
    • 6 - What is Computer Vision.mp4
    • 7 - What is scikitimage.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 9 - Installation of Python 3 on a Windows Computer.mp4
    • 10 - Verify the Python 3 environment on Windows OS.mp4
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 11 - What is Raspberry Pi.mp4
    • 12 - Raspberry Pi OS Setup.mp4
    • 13 - VNC.mp4
    • 14 - Install IDLE3 on Raspberry Pi Raspbian.mp4
    • 15 - Python 3 on Raspberry Pi.mp4
    • 16 - Additional Software for Remote connection.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 17 - Hello World on Windows.mp4
    • 18 - Hello World on Raspberry Pi.mp4
    • 19 - Python 3 Interpreter vs Script Mode.mp4
    • 20 - IDLE.mp4
    • 21 - Raspberry Pi vs PC.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 22 - PyPI and pip.mp4
    • 23 - pip on Windows.mp4
    • 24 - pip on Raspberry Pi.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 25 - Install NumPy and Matplotlib on Windows.mp4
    • 26 - Install NumPy and Matplotlib on Raspberry Pi.mp4
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 27 - Jupyter and IPython.mp4
    • 28 - Jupyter Installation on Windows.mp4
    • 29 - Jupyter Installation on Raspberry Pi.mp4
    • 30 - Install PuTTy on Windows.mp4
    • 31 - Connecting to the Remote Jupyter Notebook Server.mp4
    • 32 - A brief tour of Jupyter.mp4
  • 4Lessons ·
    • 34 - What is NumPy.mp4
    • 35 - Ndarrays Indexing and slicing.mp4
    • 36 - Ndarray Properties.mp4
    • 37 - NumPy Constants.mp4
  • 4Lessons ·
    • 39 - Ones and Zeros.mp4
    • 40 - Matrices.mp4
    • 41 - What is Matplotlib.mp4
    • 42 - Numerical Ranges and Visualization.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 43 - Generating Ndarrays with Random values.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 44 - Ndarray Manipulation Routines.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 45 - Bitwise Operations.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 46 - Statistical Functions in NumPy.mp4
  • 10Lessons · 5 นาที
    • 47 - Image Datasets for Practice.mp4
    • 48 - Pillow installation on Windows and Raspberry Pi.mp4
    • 49 - Reading Displaying and Saving Images with Matplotlib.mp4
    • 50 - Numpy for Images.mp4
    • 51 - Image Statistics.mp4
    • 52 - Image Masks.mp4
    • 53 - Image Channels.mp4
    • 54 - Arithmetic Operations.mp4
    • 55 - Logical Operations.mp4
    • 56 - Histograms with NumPy and Matplotlib.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 57 - Install SciPy on Windows.mp4
    • 58 - Install SciPy on Raspberry Pi.mp4
    • 59 - scikitimage installation on Windows.mp4
    • 60 - 04-Scikit-image-installation-on-Raspberry-Pi.mp4
    • 60 - scikitimage installation on Raspberry Pi.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 62 - Getting Started.mp4
    • 63 - Shapes Shapes Shapes.mp4
    • 64 - Color Conversion.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 65 - Thresholding.mp4
    • 66 - Transformations.mp4
    • 67 - Histogram Equalization.mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 68 - Filters Part 1.mp4
    • 69 - Filters Part 2.mp4
    • 70 - Filters Part 3.mp4
  • 2Lessons ·
    • 71 - Morphology.mp4
    • 72 - Image Restoration.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 73 - Noise.mp4
  • 2Lessons · 7 นาที
    • 75 - Canny Edge Detector.mp4
    • 76 - Harris Corner Detection.mp4
  • 7Lessons ·
    • 77 - SLIC Segmentation.mp4
    • 78 - Region Boundary based RAGs.mp4
    • 79 - Watershed.mp4
    • 80 - More Watershed.mp4
    • 81 - Compact Watershed.mp4
    • 82 - Draw RAGs.mp4
    • 83 - Compare Segmentation Methods.mp4
  • 4Lessons · 3 นาที
    • 84 - Tinting Greyscale Images.mp4
    • 85 - Contours.mp4
    • 86 - Convex Hull.mp4
    • 87 - Skeletonization.mp4
  • 10Lessons ·
    • 88 - Image as Blocks.mp4
    • 89 - Immunohistochemistry.mp4
    • 90 - interpolation Edge Modes.mp4
    • 91 - Scaling.mp4
    • 92 - Structural Similarity index.mp4
    • 93 - Phase unwrapping.mp4
    • 94 - Histogram Oriented gradients.mp4
    • 95 - Template Matching.mp4
    • 96 - Peaks and Holes.mp4
    • 97 - CENSURE.mp4