Using Python for Automation

Using Python for Automation

LinkedIn - Using Python for Automation 2024-5

รับผิดชอบ Narodom Guy
อัปเดตครั้งล่าสุด 04/06/2024
เวลาเสร็จสิ้น 2 นาที
สมาชิก 1
Python Automation
  • 4Lessons ·
    • 01 - Automate everything with Python.mp4
    • 02 - Check out the course prerequisites.mp4
    • 03 - Set up your coding environment and tools.mp4
    • 01 - Use Selenium for automating web browsing.mp4
  • 9Lessons ·
    • 01 - Read files with Python.mp4
    • 02 - Write files with Python.mp4
    • 03 - Use Python's command-line interface.mp4
    • 04 - Organize directories with Python.mp4
    • 05 - Parse data with Python.mp4
    • 06 - Extract data with regular expressions.mp4
    • 07 - Validate inputs with automation.mp4
    • 08 - Prepare for error handling.mp4
    • 09 - Automate error handling.mp4
  • 7Lessons ·
    • 01 - Use BeautifulSoup for automating web scraping.mp4
    • 02 - Explore HTML structure.mp4
    • 03 - Inspect your data source.mp4
    • 04 - Request and parse HTML code.mp4
    • 05 - Extract data from HTML code.mp4
    • 06 - Prepare for scraping multiple pages.mp4
    • 07 - Scrape multiple pages.mp4
  • 5Lessons ·
    • 01 - Use Selenium for automating web browsing.mp4
    • 02 - Automate basic browser interactions.mp4
    • 03 - Automate drag and drop functionality.mp4
    • 04 - Explore waiting strategies with Selenium.mp4
    • 05 - Implement explicit wait with Selenium.mp4
  • 5Lessons · 2 นาที
    • 01 - Identify the value of APIs for automation.mp4
    • 02 - Make API requests in Python.mp4
    • 03 - Parse API responses in Python with JSON.mp4
    • 04 - Use API keys in Python.mp4
    • 05 - Connect information between APIs.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 01 - Unlock resources and next steps.mp4